Thursday, January 31, 2013

just january

like most people, i came into the new year full of hope. i set intentions. i created a vision board on pinterest. i (thought) i set myself up for success by deciding to be soft on myself and to set my mind on things that were realistic.

but january was a mofo of a bitch, my friends. the quick and dirty is that my marriage is in serious jeopardy, i resigned as president of the board of my daughter's preschool (which was one in a series of SHIT STORMS associated with the experience), my littlest turned 3 and his speech is very delayed so we have him on a GF diet, my oldest (10ish) hates me and my middle is, well - a middle.

when my macbook crapped out last year i was given a choice of a new laptop or a treadmill. i chose the treadmill! i used it to start and complete c25k. then i ran about 4 other times and the last time was a good 3 months ago. i've put on 40 pounds in the last 18 months. i turn 35 this year. i think i might be experiencing borderline depression.

oh, and i'm finishing off the middle's preschool year by homeschooling. one of the shit storms resulted in pulling her out of her preschool.

with the lack of my own personal computer, there is little motivation to hop on my husband's system at the end of the day to write. but i need to. or.i.will.implode.

it's always been hard for me to fully confide but this blog is going to be a reflection of my experiences as i navigate either towards or away from my marriage, adventures in homeschooling, trying to keep just one child gluten free, trying to move my mom in with us as she (amazingly) deals with a fucked up stage 4 cancer diagnosis, regaining balance and mindfulness in my life and all the mistakes i make along the way.

i'm either a work or a wreck in progress. we're all mad here, won't you join us?!?!?!

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